DB Youth Centre

DBYC Vaduthala spreads the joy of Christmas across the community

Don Bosco Youth Centre, Vaduthala, celebrated the arrival of the newborn King with joy and enthusiasm during the Christmas Celebrations organized at the centre. On Christmas Day, the Youth Group and Cultural Wing members distributed cake after the midnight mass to all who had gathered to celebrate the nativity of the Lord. Fr. Shibu Davis, the Rector and Fr. Kuriakose Shasthamkala, the Director, blessed the grand cake prepared for the occasion.

From December 28 to 30, 2022, the Carol team comprising around 11 artists and 20 DBYC members, presented a Carol performance across various places in Vaduthala. The well-crafted script, carol songs and the performance of the members made it a visual and musical treat. Special appreciation goes to the Arts Wing and Cultural Wing at DBYC Vaduthala for organizing this brilliant performance and spreading the joy of Christmas across the community.

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