Colleges Events

Aantareya 2022: Don Bosco College, Sulthan Bathery conducts Annual Arts Fest

Don Bosco College, Sulthan Bathery, hosted the annual fixture – Arts Fest, titled Aantareya 2022, on 13 December 2022. The title Aantareya is a Sanskrit word that connotes a pure inner feeling that has the power to transform and overwhelm. It is a title symbolic of artistic expression. An arts fest is instinctive to present and celebrate.

Aantareya 2022 was conducted in association with the Student Council, and it was formally inaugurated with a grand inaugural function. The Students Union Chairman Abin Binoy rendered the welcome address. Rev. Dr Johnson Ponthempilly, the Principal, rendered the Presidential address, and the Felicitation addressed was delivered by the Rector, Rev. Dr. Antony Thekkedath. Mr. Sameer KP, the Faculty Coordinator of Aantareya 2022, also addressed the gathering. Unnarv artist Ramesh AK formally inaugurated the arts fest. The Student Council members – Fine Arts Secretary Abin Sabu and Vice Chairperson Nandana A M., also spoke. The Chief Guest of the day entertained the audience with folk songs. 

The fest was an amalgamation of Kerala art forms, contemporary art forms, and blended art forms. The fest started on high octane with chenda melam – the traditional Kerala drum chorus that denotes celebrations. The competition items included Thiruvathira, Vattapatt, Ganamela, western dance, and folk dance. There was intense competition among the four groups in the college. The winners of both the off-stage and on-stage events were felicitated on Aantareya 2022.

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