Don Bosco Youth Services Blog Events Don Bosco Central School Puthupally Inaugurates Don Bosco Youth Movement

Don Bosco Central School Puthupally Inaugurates Don Bosco Youth Movement

Don Bosco Central School Puthupally proudly inaugurated the Don Bosco Youth Movement, a dedicated wing of the Salesian Youth Movement aimed at empowering students in schools and educational institutions. The momentous occasion took place on September 8, 2023, with an opening ceremony held at the school premises.

The esteemed rector of Don Bosco Puthupally, Fr Chirackal Devassy, graced the event and inaugurated the youth movement. In his inspiring speech, Fr Devassy emphasized the importance of this initiative and encouraged students to make the most out of it. He highlighted the values and principles imparted by Saint John Bosco, the pioneer of the Salesian educational system, emphasizing the transformative impact it can have on the lives of young individuals.

Adding to the enthusiasm, Fr Josh Kanjooparambil, the principal, addressed the students, motivating and guiding them to actively participate and contribute to the Don Bosco Youth Movement. During the event, Fr Manu Michael, the regional youth director of Kerala, took the opportunity to explain the intricacies and possibilities of the youth movement to the students. He provided insights into the objectives, goals, and opportunities that the movement presents for personal growth, leadership development, and community service.

The inauguration also witnessed the election of key leaders who will guide and steer the Don Bosco Youth Movement forward. The student leaders were elected during the meeting, marking an important step towards establishing a strong framework for the movement’s success.

Mr Deveassy, the dedicated animator of the movement, delivered an encouraging address to the students, motivating them to actively participate and contribute to the flourishing of the Don Bosco Youth Movement.

The Don Bosco Youth Movement aims to create a platform for students to explore their talents, develop leadership skills, engage in social service, and foster holistic growth. With its official inauguration, the movement sets forth on a mission to empower and nurture the young minds within Salesian educational institutions.

We are excited about this new chapter in the history of Don Bosco Central School Puthupally and the wider Salesian community. Together, we strive to inspire and empower the youth, shaping them into compassionate, responsible, and impactful individuals.

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